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[Review] 30MF Rosan Knight

30MF Rosan Knight Review

Note : This kit is a color variant of the Liber Knight, with minor changes in a few parts. Thus, most (if not all) of my comments on the Liber Holy Knight kit are applicable here. For a more detailed review regarding articulation, compatibility with other 30ML models, and more, please refer to my Liber Holy Knight review.

Kit info


Rosan Knight : This is a CLASS I job requiring a sword and shield. It is a basic job that demands mastery of all types of swordsmanship. Those of this job combine the offensive abilities of swords, the defensive abilities of shields, and the martial arts abilities of knights. It is a versatile job that is useful in any situations.

What's in the box (sprues and other parts)

Silhouette Parts

The sprues for Silhouette parts largely mirror those of the Liber Knight, albeit with a few distinctions. I will highlight the differences accordingly.

A [Multicolored]

B [Purplish Gray]

C [Dark Gray]

D1 [Purplish Gray]
The D1 sprue of the Rosan Knight contains faction-specific face and mask parts (D1-24 and 25). In contrast, the face and mask of the Liber Knight are located on the E1 sprue.

D2 [Purplish Gray]

E1 [Dark Gray]
Note that while Liber knight's face and mask parts are included on its E1 sprue, Rosan knight's corresponding parts are on D1 sprue.

E2 [Dark Gray]

F2 [Purple]

F3 [Clear Red]
Rosan knight's eye shape is different from Liber knight, so it's clear part for the eyes are on different sprue F3. (Liber knight has clear blue injected F1 sprue.) 

Knight Armor parts

Similar to the silhouette parts, most components are identical to those of the Liber Knight, with the exception of the helmet parts. The color utilized for the armor parts is a shade darker than the dark gray seen on the silhouette, verging on black.

G1 [Darker Gray]

G2 [Darker Gray]

G3 [Darker Gray]
This sprue has some difference compared to the Liber knight. Faction specific helmet parts are included. (G3-26~28 for Rosan knight. G3-23~25 for Liber knight.)

G4 [Darker Gray]

Detailed Parts Review (Silhouette)

Since the majority of the parts are identical to the Liber Knight, it is advisable to consult the review of the Liber Holy Knight. This review will focus solely on the differences.

The Rosan Knight is primarily distinguished from the Liber Knight by its uniquely shaped face. The components for the head are pictured here, with the back of the head, - part D1-23, rightmost on the picture - being identical to that of the Liber Knight.

An additional subtle distinction is that the clear components of the Rosan Knight are not UV reactive, in contrast to the Liber Knight's clear blue parts that do react to UV light.

Completed the head of the Rosan knight. In my opinion, he appears to be trying too hard to appear evil.

The silhouette maintains its identity and also boasts remarkable articulation and stability, characteristic of the Liber Knight silhouette.

Detailed Parts Review (Rosan Knight)

Well as with the silhouette, Knight armor also is almost identical to the Liber Knight except the helmet. 

Only different parts are the visor, mask, and the comb on the helmet. (Parts G3-26~28)

Image Gallery (with the Liber Knight silhouette)

Let's look at the pair side by side to see the differences.

The silhouette of the Liber knight appears much more stoic compared to that of the Rosan knight, which almost has a comically evil appearance.

Aside from the face, the two silhouettes are entirely identical. As mentioned in my Liber Holy Knight review, both possess excellent articulation and stability.

Image Gallery (with the Liber Knight)

Closeup pictures of helmets of both Knights. 

Side view of both knights' helmets.


As evident from the review, there isn't much to comment on this kit. It's a standard color variation of the Liber knight. Yet, due to the excellence of the base kit, this variant also stands out. The fresh color scheme and the distinct face lend it a unique vibe, in my opinion. It's unfortunate that we didn't receive an entirely new rival faction akin to EFF vs Zeon, but it remains a valuable expansion to the 30MF series.

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