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[Review] 30MF Item Shop 1 Knight Option

30MF Item Shop I, Knight option Review

Kit info

What's in the box (sprues and other parts)

OI-A1 - Newly tooled sprue for the kit. [Gray]

OI-A2 - Part of A1 sprue is duplicated in clear blue plastic. UV reactive. [Clear Blue]

OI-B1 - Newly tooled sprue for the kit. [Gray]

Detailed Parts Review

Every parts laid out.
You get (from left to right, top to bottom) 
  • small kite shield, 
  • two treasure chest - one in gray, one in clear blue, 
  • two potion bottles also in gray and clear blue
  • two chest pieces, 
  • two sets of spaulder, 
  • one back armor/spaulder adapter, 
  • one side armor adapter for 30MS, 
  • one spaulder adapter for 30MS, 
  • four sets of spaulder/side armor joint parts, 
  • two faceplates, 
  • one comb with decorative feather, 
  • spare neck joint
    (OI-B1-12, instruction doesn't specify the use and only indicates as spare part)
  • grip part for shield, 
  • and two front/back skirt armor.

Two sets of treasure chest and potion bottles in gray and clear blue. Clear blue is UV reactive.

Two sets of spaulders and back armor/spaulder adapter piece. A pair of decorative 3mm plug is also provided so that you can plug the 3mm hole on the front of the spaulders if you don't need the holes. Too bad they don't give you enough plugs for both spaulders.

You can use stock Knight back armor to attach the spaulders.

Or you can use provided alternative back armor piece. Which means you'll also lose collar armor from Knight armor because the collar connects to the stock back armor plate.

Using one of chest pieces in this kit also means that you'll lose collar armor from knight armor because the collar attaches to the stock back and chest armor. Both chest pieces will fit directly onto Silhouette's chest.

The supplied faceplates cover the lower part of the face, so you will need to use the mouthpiece from the silhouette. This means you will have to forego the Knight armor's faceplate that features "wings" on the sides.

Both faceplates are compatible with the standard comb from knight armor, as well as the optional feathered comb included with this kit. Of course, you can use feathered comb with stock Knight armor faceplate too.

Included shield is shorter than stock Knight shield. It can be held with supplied grip or of course combined with other joint parts and attached to arms or other parts of the body.

Two skirt parts are provided. You can use them on the front and/or back. 

Detailed Parts Review (30MS adapters)

Two adapter pieces for 30MS kits are included. Using these adapters you can use 30MF spaulder and side skirts on 30MS kits. 

Note that adapter for side skirts don't use any additional joints but the parts for spaulders use joint parts (OI-B1-7).

This is how Neverlia looks like with 30MF Knight spaulder and side skirts and sword, and also kite shield from this kit. 

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